Dave Dombek - Ken Reeves Memorial Weather Briefing


Weekly Map Discussion

What Ken Reeves Weather Briefing
When Apr 12, 2018
from 01:00 pm to 01:30 pm
Where Joel N. Myers Weather Center (606 Walker)
Contact Name Jake Rowe
Contact email
Contact Phone (860) 383-3614
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Dave Dombek from AccuWeather will be hosting this week’s weather briefing! 
These weather briefings provide an opportunity for our department to get together to discuss and learn about the recent and upcoming weather pattern. No experience is necessary to attend one of these briefings; we encourage all students, faculty/staff of all backgrounds to join us. Members of the local weather community and professors in our department serve as the weekly speakers.
The Campus Weather Service also live-streams and archives each briefing on YouTube at this link:https://www.youtube.com/user/campusweatherservice/videos

More information about Dave Dombek - Ken Reeves Memorial Weather Briefing